Shirt: Similar | Shorts: Similar Watch c/o Bracelet c/o | Rings (hereherec/o | Shoes: Similar | Bag: Similar





Happy Monday my gorgeous friends!

How was your weekend? I hope it was fun and/or relaxing!

As we begin to near the start of fall (which is this week!) I'm paying tribute to two of the most popular trends of the summer season, banker stripes and gingham, by combining them into one outfit. I never thought to combined these two prints, until I saw my ultimate muse, Olivia Palermo, do it and so, you know I had to follow her lead! She added a statement purse to her look, I decided to add a statement shoe in a rich magenta shade, which I felt worked really well with the blue in the shirt. 


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Happy Tuesday my gorgeous friends!

This week's fall essential we'll be talking about is the blanket scarf! I was a little late to jump on the blanket scarf bandwagon when Zara first rolled them out a few years ago, but I've certainly caught up, building a collection comprised of neutrals and fall/winter color combinations and prints. Let me share just why I love them so much...


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Happy Friday my gorgeous friends!

I hope you all had a great week and are ready to embrace the weekend with full force! Yesterday was Eddie's birthday! We're planning to celebrate this weekend. You guys, he's pickier than me, so getting him gifts he'll genuinely love and not just say, "I love it" in that voice that sounds more like a question is very hard. So, he usually ends up choosing his own gift and restaurant to dine (insert eye roll emoji). Since Aviah is too young to dine out, we'll most likely order in :)

Anyway, to continue on with the Fall Essentials series (read part I & II), I'm sharing another one of my personal favorites, the (faux) fur vest!


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