Happy Tuesday my sweet friends!

Since having Aviah, I don't usually have much time to do my makeup as I once did, which has resulted in me in paying more mind to my skin care regimen. This routine doesn't take forever to do, so it's perfect for a new mom, like myself, who doesn't have much extra time on her hands. I'm not going to discuss my entire routine step-by-step in this post, though if you're interested, I can in another. Today, I'm specifically narrowing in on the face masks that I've been using for quite a few months and that I absolutely adore. 


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Posted by Jalisa on Nov 17, 2017 under





Happy Friday my sweet friends!

About a month ago, Influenster sent me a vox box filled with some goodies to test out. I always look forward to being selected by them for their vox boxes because I've discovered some great brands and products through those boxes. Since having Aviah, though, I've been more selective about my skincare and products I'm willing to try. When I was pregnant, my entire skincare regimen changed and since then, I've continued to restrict my products to mostly all natural, organic, and paraben free. Since I'm nursing, I'm super paranoid about chemicals being absorbed through my skin. This isn't to say that I only use these kind of products, but 90% off my makeup and beauty collection is. 


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Posted by Jalisa on Oct 27, 2017 under





Happy Friday my gorgeous friends!

A little over two months ago, the folks over at Botanics reached out to me to review a few of their products, their toning spritzhydrating day moisturizer with sage, and makeup remover wipes. I was so excited to learn of this brand that I had not heard of before, mainly because they're organic and their ingredients are quite interesting. After having Aviah, I've been paying more mind to my skin, which Eddie refers to as my "project." Most days, I don't have the time to put on a full glam face, let alone any makeup at all, so I've vowed to take better care of my skin, so I'll feel more confident going makeup free when needed and I have been. 


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