Happy Thursday my sweet friends!

Today, I'm reviewing a straightening brush from HerStyler. When the folks over at HerStyler provided me with the opportunity to review one of their hot tools, I immediately took the opportunity to try out their straight brush pro. I'd been hearing a lot about straightening brushes, but had never tried them before. I either blow dry my hair or use a flat iron (which they also offer) so I thought this would be a great time to try one out and see how it works. Keep reading for my thoughts on it, as well as a step-by-step tutorial on what I did to achieve the finished look. 



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Posted by Jalisa on Jan 30, 2018 under





Happy Tuesday my sweet friends!

I hope you're having a great day so far. Today, I'm sharing my current morning skincare routine. As with anything else, the use of some of these products may change at some point, especially since I like to try out new skincare when I'm out of a particular product. I enjoy reading what products others' use. In fact, this is how I'm often introduced to new brands and products. Some, I've come to know through former collaborations.


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Happy Tuesday my sweets!

Today, I'm sharing my thoughts on two products from Aveda's Tulāsara Wedding Masque collection, the night and eye creams. These products were sent to me to test out back when I was pregnant with Aviah, but I didn't begin using them until days after I came home from the hospital after having her because I was in dire need of some TLC. As I've mentioned in a previous skincare post, I didn't truly begin to take my skincare regimen seriously until after having Aviah. Not only have I realized the importance of taking care of my skin, but it gives me a few minutes of some me time. It feels good to know that I'm doing something that is good for me, too :) 



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