I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to enjoy the fairly warm weather we had! It's crazy how warm it can feel when it's in the 40s & 50s, when you've become so used to weather in the teens and 20s!
Today I'm sharing some boots (26 to be exact!) I've stumbled across and absolutely love. We've been talking a lot about winter fashion for obvious reasons, t's winter. I like to look for and share different ways we can make our winter outfits that much more visually appealing, without requiring much effort because most of us just don't have the energy (or desire) to sit and contemplate a stylish and practical outfit every single day in the winter.
As I'm typing this, we're bracing ourselves for a supposedly major snowstorm set to hit the northeast and our furnace blew conveniently. Luckily we have a fire place, send all the positive (and cozy) vibes our way.
Anyway, you all know how much I love my outerwear. From fur coats to leather jackets and vest, I'm all for them. Why? They're not only practically in keeping you warm, but can make an entire outfit. In fact, during the winter, it can be an entire outfit, since we're so bundled up that not many get to witness the great amount of (stylish) effort we've put into what's underneath. That said, when there's an outerwear trend, my ears and eyes perk up. This winter, it's all about the puffer coat. It's a bit nostalgic for me having grown up in the '90s and owning so many different colors and styles. I'm glad they've made a comeback and though some of the colors and finishes (hello, metallic!) are very reminiscent, there are some more contemporary styles that have been added, such as velvet and the teddy fabrics, can you say ultra cozy!?