Happy Monday my beautiful friends!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Eddie and I went out on a double date for the first time in YEARS. I don't recall the last time we dined out with another couple, since life has become so hectic after having Aviah, then Ariah in combination with Eddie's long arduous hours. We seemed to have made it happen mainly because it was with a good friend of his and his financé, whom Eddie will be the best man for! 



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Happy Wednesday my friends!

As we all know, losing weight or getting in better shape is one of the most popular new year's resolutions. It's pretty much always been and I'm sure having the holidays ending at the same time has a lot to do with it. I mean, many of us over indulge because the festivities are only once a year and as a result, we put on a few extra un wanted pounds. I started my fitness journey back in 2006 right around this time. I lost and have kept off (obviously with the exception of my two pregnancies) 25 pounds since then. What's helped me keep the weight off is that I've made healthy living a lifestyle. As some of you may or may not know, I have eczema. What keeps it at bay and nearly all gone is not having too much red meat and dairy (mainly milk products—I'm fine with eggs) on a regular basis. So, we pretty much eat a plant based diet during the work weeks and have meat and dairy on the weekends (red meat maybe twice a month) 


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Happy Monday my sweet friends!

So, with Valentine's Day being this Friday, I thought it was a good time to give you all some last minute gift ideas. We've just come out of the holiday season, so I personally don't believe you need to get everyone a ton of expensive things. But, it's nice to give a little something to those you love to celebrate the day of love. In my house, Eddie and I have decided that Valentine's Day will be celebrated amongst all of us and not just between him and I. When I was a little girl, my mom always got me something and really cute things at that. I want to carry that tradition on to my girls and so right now we have plans on baking cupcakes and I'll get a little something for them. This is why I've included some ideas for everyone.


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