1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

Happy Friday my gorgeous friends!
Today we're wrapping up my gift guide series, no pun intended. I was pregnant during the holidays last year and some of my family members gifted me with mom-to-be gifts that I thought were so cute. I don't know, something about receiving gifts from others before my baby shower that had to do with my pregnancy and baby made it that much more real and sentimental. Perhaps it was the hormones, but I loved it, haha! 

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Posted by Jalisa on Nov 27, 2017 under , ,

Sweater: Similar Leggings (20% off) | Socks c/o (20% off with code jalisagiron20) | Mug | Phone Case c/o (30% off)

Happy Monday my beautiful friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had such a great time with my family and disconnecting from all devices, it felt so good to live in the moment and enjoy Aviah's first holiday! 

Over the weekend, I did some holiday shopping, taking full advantage of some of the awesome sales that are still going on right now. In times past, sales would mostly be on Black Friday and Cyber Monday (today) and that's it. Now, many stores are extending their sales throughout the week, which is awesome! So, I thought I'd share some of my personal favorites in the categories 'Treat Yo' Self', 'For Her', For Him and 'For Mama-to-be & Baby' this week. This is the first time I'll be sharing a full on gift guide, so I hope you love it! 


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Posted by Jalisa on Nov 22, 2017 under


Blouse c/o Jeans | Belt | Boots: Similar | Bag: Louis Vuitton


Happy Wednesday my gorgeous friends!

Are you all ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow? If you've been a reader for some time now, then you may remember that I've mentioned that I do all the cooking on Thanksgiving and Eddie takes over on Christmas. I've got everything ready to go. I'm super excited about the holiday season this year, since it'll be the first season for Aviah! I feel that the holidays are all the more special with kids and I'm looking forward to starting traditions with her. She's already getting used to being in the kitchen with me every night when I cook dinner; I love to cook and I hope she will, too! 


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