Posted by Jalisa on Sep 09, 2016 under


Happy Friday, my gorgeous friends!

Lately, I've really been into knotting my tees (like in this look)! I love how such a subtle detail can enhance the casual vibe I'm going for in an outfit and can draw attention to the waistline in a way that I can choose to alter, which I find very helpful as someone who has a longer torso! Though I'm a pear shape, my torso is longer and so, my upper body can easily appear more boxy and adding waist belts or any detail that can redefine my true waistline is so helpful and flattering! 


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Hey, hey my gorgeous friends!

There are a few prints that are synonymous with fall, one of which is leopard, my utmost favorite print. 

In fact, it wasn't until I stepped back and took a look in my wardrobe (and house for that matter!) that I realized just how much I love obsessed I am with it. It has many vibes it can exude, depending on how it's worn and styled, which makes it such a versatile print to work with, as you can style it in a way that's entirely reflective of your personal style. The thing that can be tricky with it, however, is that when styled incorrectly, it can appear a bit gaudy or tacky, which I'm sure no one wants! 


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Happy Hump Day, beautiful friends!

I absolutely adore the look of purple and olive green, a combination I've worn a number of times on the blog (herehere). I think it's a perfect transitional combo, making it perfect for both spring and fall. 


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