Posted by Jalisa on Jan 17, 2013 under

Hello gorgeous!

It's been a bit gloomy here in New York, but I feel that it's also been unseasonably warmer than usual for this time of year. This really stinks for me, since I love to get all that each season has to offer, cold, snow and all! But, it's allowed me to wear some of the clothes that I wouldn't typically be able to wear around this time of year, such as this orange trench coat. I love wearing bright colors to brighten my mood and others around me on gloomy days like today. Did you know that on days when it's darker or gloomy your body's melatonin, which regulates your sleeping habits, gets confused and thinks it's night time, which is why we're more sleepy on rainy or cloudy days?! All those science courses paid off, huh?! Well, since we are able to control our moods by replacing them with positive thoughts, why not combat the depressive spirit that tries to effect us on gloomy days by wearing something a bit bright? Who cares if the outfit looks too spring or too summer! Wear what makes you happy and cheers you up! I encourage you to consider this the next time you wake up on a rainy day feeling sluggish and depressed. I must admit, I don't always dress in bright colors every time it's cloudy outside, but when I feel that heaviness starting to creep up on me, I do. 

What do you guys typically wear on cloudy or rainy days? Do you realize that you feel a little down or more tired on these days? Leave your response in the comments section!








The Details:

Guess orange trench coat

New York & Company skinny jeans

Guess boots

Marshall's scarf

Salvatore Ferragamo glasses

Louis Vuitton Trevi GM purse




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