Posted by Jalisa on Jan 01, 2018



Happy New Year my sweet friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to embrace this new year with a fresh perspective. 2017 was a year of self discovery and change for me, right up until the very last day of the year yesterday. I had the absolute joy and privilege of becoming a mother for the first time to my sweet baby girl, Aviah Liora. Never would I have imagined how much being a mom would have changed me in more ways than one. It's been a humbling experience thus far and it's revealed the strength and weaknesses in myself, both of which I've had to acknowledge for self improvement. It's been incredibly challenging, yet joyful and rewarding; I wouldn't change or trade it for anything in the world. As it pertains to fashion, with becoming a new mom, I've also noticed my style has continued to evolve. I've went from a more playful and energetic taste to that which a bit more clean, chic, and practical. Though I will never turn my back on the bold and the beautiful, I've noticed that my approach in styling the two are much more different now and I like it.

I must say that once I've gotten the reality check that blogging while simultaneously discovering my new role as a mom is not always easy, in fact, it's never easy, I was questioning whether or not I'd even be able to or should even continue blogging. Each time I've questioned my capability, you have encouraged and motivated me to continue on. Though I may not be amongst the A listers, I feel as though I've managed to somehow create a community consisting of a group of friends I've had the absolute pleasure of meeting throughout my blogging journey these past several years. Though I've "known" a number of you throughout the years, it was in 2017 that I felt even more connected to you all. Sharing my pregnancy and the experiences thereafter with you and reading how you've related, felt inspired, or simply reading your words of absolute encouragement (like telling me I look great on days I really packed on the concealer and poured dried shampoo all over my head) have meant so much to me. 

This year, I personally want to challenge myself to focus primarily on my inner self and work on becoming the best version of myself daily. I no longer want to fall victim of comparison as a result of scrolling through the rabbit hole of what is called Instagram and nearly every other social media app, as I'm sure you all can relate to doing at some point, am I right? 

Each day that we're given the gift of life, we should truly seek to make the most of the day given. Time has become truly of the essence for me these days and so, I want to use it wisely giving it to people and things that truly matter most to me and I challenge you all to do the same. 

Today, I say good-bye to 2017 with a thankful heart for all the lessons learned and I earnestly welcome 2018 with all of its hopes and possibilities. Cheers to an amazing year for us all, I'm so thankful to be able to begin it with such amazing people. 

What are some of your resolutions? 

Once again, Happy New Year my sweet friends. I look forward to seeing you all in tomorrow's post!



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