Posted by Jalisa on Jun 04, 2015 under

Photo via Instagram @thestylecontour

Hey Lovelies!

I am a workout buff, at least I'd like to consider myself one, haha! I've been working out consistently for 9 years now and have lost and kept off roughly 25lbs. I'm not going to lie, the beginning was the hardest. I started my senior year in high school, mainly because I wanted to look fabulous for prom and I also had realized that my eating pattern was absolutely horrible, which lead to the unhealthy weight gain. I was skipping breakfast, eating garbage for lunch and dinner, and no healthy snacks in between. Oh, and water, the only water I had was mixed into some processed juice. It was bad. I had to come to the realization that I had to take action and my health and body into my own hands. I signed up for a gym membership and that's when the journey began and has yet to stop. I would sometimes go with friends  but a lot of the times I went by myself. I would walk from my high school in the rain, snow, the hottest day, you name it (I didn't have a car). When I lost about 10lbs, I was thrilled, especially when everyone was noticing my hard work. It wasn't until a few years later that I truly took this whole fitness thing even more seriously and you won't believe what got me going, gym clothes! Prior to this awesome discovery, I would either wear old pajamas (I know, embarrassing ) or some of my friend's sports team clothes. I had no idea that there was such a thing as awesome fitness clothes, I mean, at the gyms I was going to, no one really wore bright fun clothes. After I started to find some pieces that were bright and that fit me well, it made me feel even better about working out. I felt great about my body and the process I was going through to loose the other 15lbs. Of course fitness doesn't start and end at the gym, it's continuous  You have to watch what you eat and say no, even when those around you are indulging. However  I do suggest having one cheat meal a week, for me that's me and Eddie's date night dinner. 

I want to encourage all of you reading to get active and stick with it. If you prefer exercising outdoors, than do it! But don't let your routine become seasonal and not continue on during the fall and winter months, get a gym membership during those months. Get active not just to have the scale read a certain number, but to feel good in the body you're in, while taking care of it, you only get ONE! Work out clothing is very important in continuing on your journey, it keeps you motivated and feeling good. Wear bright fun colors, this is the time and place you don't have to worry about sucking anything in or hiding certain areas. Go for it! 

1. Champion Performance tank: Kohl's (on sale here) | 2. Weight lifting gloves (here) | 3. Nike tank: Kohl's (here) | 4. Calvin Klein Performance leggings (on sale here) | 5. Lifefactory water bottle (on sale here) | 6. Printed Temp running shorts (here) | 7. Nike Air Max Thea Sneakers (on sale here) | 8. Adidas Women's Squad Duffle Bag (on sale here) | 9. Nike Air Max 2015 Running Shoe (here)

I hope you liked my gym picks and that they help to get you motivated and started to becoming a more healthy you, fashionably off course ;)

PS: If you're new to the gym and you feel insecure about everyone looking at you, trust me, they're NOT! It's all in the mind :)



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